ZOMG! I really don't believe it

Sep 07, 2007 00:33

Tonight I have seen something so sad an pathetic in WoW that I just have to blog it here.  Mainly because my job is to update the guild blog with updates of our progress and this is just mind numbing in how juvinile, pathetic and close to the OTT mocking that has been made in past, that I need to vent un-restrained (well mostly) somewhere where it will not look quite so bad.

OK, from the top.

Usual night in our guild and people pop on (even the lovely
quoting_mungo pops on for a bit, yay).  And the instance question rears its head.  After a bit of confusion a party of 4 is formed and we plan to go play in the Steam Vaults as one party member still needs rep to gain the heroic key, I need to down a boss for a quest, and well, I get to kill stuff, so yay.  We all get there and Captain happy asks who is going to be the 5th member of the group, I say that I think we are going to be 4 manning it, which results in an instant "NO WAY!" from Cpt happy.  SV is easy enough and I am sure is quite doable at our level with just 4 of us.

We grab another DPS to make it 5 and all is happy, tho we then get 6 as one of the guilds main healers logs on, fortunetly (or not for him, one chap has to go offline, due to home issues, which I hope were not too severe and have all been resolved), so we are back to 5, and a happy party.  Now as the party are all keyed for Heroics, we decide to give Heroic Underbog a try.  So off we trott, and there is much killing to be had (and counting on the use of WoWWiki, which is annoyingly predicatble from Capt Happy), and the instance slowly progresses to the 1st boss.

Here is where it gets really childish and annoying, after 2 failed attempts to kill this boss, one getting him to around 50% and the other a rather naff 90% ish, Capt happy proclaims that he is not going to come back in as we are not going to do this.  Well DUH! if we all give up instantly, no, we wont.  We were in the process of figuring out what needed to be done to kill this boss, that takes time and wipes, and yes costs gold.  We manage to convince one more try out of him.  He listens to the plan, with advice from another guildmate on technique and we attempt again.  Only this time he runs too far too quickly and hence right out of range of the healer, and dies, very quickly.

Now, we are all adults right, youngest must be 28.  His reaction to this ?  Simple, he corpse runs back to the instance, as I got there I saw his rezed self walking back out the instance and start hearthing back to his homecity.  A comment asking if he is leaving with no good bye etc is made with no response, then I see him log off, and then log back on as one of his alts, he also logged off TS at the same time!!!  No response was received from him from any of the comments made in the guild chat channel by the remaining party, who were some what a little annoyed by his actions only enough.

Thankfully most of our guild are not children and so we switched jobs around a little and had a druid tank, recruited a guild hunter and on the second attempt downed the boss easily.  Due to lateness at this point we called it a night, but we achieved what he said was impossible by simply trying a few more times with some subtle changes to method.

It just really really annoyed not only me.  He really seems to think that the game should be easy and with no challenge, (which to me would be dull as hell).  What is the point of not learning this stuff, it allows you to become a better player and experience the game as it was intended.  I suspect that he would be happy to try again knowing that we know the way of killing this boss now, as it means he doesn't have to suffer a repair bill, his gold is far too precious to waste on armour repairs of course.

OH! it made me so mad.  Everyone else in the party wanted to try and try again until it was too late to play, it cost each one of us a small chunk of in game money to do that, but we did.  And we learnt from it, and had fun.
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