Oct 12, 2004 20:08
I went to the gym this evening. It felt SO good. I worked up a good sweat and my muscles were warm and limber. Good feeling. I was 15 minutes into my workout when this guy comes up beside me and out of the blue he's like you are doing really well *gives thumbs up*. He's like working real good. I'm like thanks. Wondering okay...what do you really want to say?! I wanna fuck you?!
He's like you are very pretty. Do you mind if I talk to you? I was like okay. So he was on the other machine and we talked. He asked if he could have my number. I said I don't give out my number to anyone and my b/f would definitely not be happy about it. "Oh man," was his response. But. He still talked to me until I left. He called me sweetheart and said I was very pretty numerous times. I was like thanks. Thinking...you can stop anytime now. Don't get me wrong I was nice to him. He kept a safe distance. Giving me ample space. If you know anything about me, I'm constantly on my guard. So, I wasn't about to let him think that his smooth talking was getting anywhere. Go me.
He asked if I came to the gym often and if I was always by myself. I said I went to the gym when I could. And. I almost always went with someone. That got him. Paranoia.
Anyway, it was different to say the least. I don't get hit on and I like it that way. So, I was surprised and I was also like...hopefully never again.
The 'lines' guys come up with are just ridiculous. His was I know I've seen you around before. You are so pretty. I was like ooooooook. lol Sure you have.
And that ladies and gents was the only interesting thing that happened.
OH wait. There was a guest speaker from Allegheny County Prison (Jail). He was the warden. It was interesting. I enjoyed it. Nothing any of you would want to hear about.
Okay, yah...now I'm done.