can't get you outa my head..

Jan 10, 2009 11:00

I am so happy its saturday and I feel human again!! I was sick and puky and wanted to die but im all better, and no more cold booyah. this first weekend of the new year and i have no idea what do to .. haha. I don't want to study all day...but i should get some more notes done tho, i have a lot of stuff to get done as well so its not like im bored i just don't want to do it all today thats all. :-D  
on the 19th i have a test, and at 7pm its Alan's first Bday party Yay i can't believe hes going to be one already Holy shit.. they grow to fast.
I mis my ipod.. i know that sounds selfish but i do.. i lent it to dan for some his trip it makes his work seem less blah when you got some tunes to jam out to but he almost seems to be wanting me to lend it to him more often and i don't want to share.. its mine dang shoot.. hes even buying himself more headphones that fit better.. AHHH. Oh well... only a lil longer and he can get his own... cuz that one is MINE LOL.

OMg i got the cutest shoes .. I love them!! there HOT I got them from Sears, & im going to wear them to rhonda's wedding there classy Not at all whoreish ( i know thats shocking )
I was talking with a woman shes pregnent and has a kid who's like a yr from gradutating and moving away from home and shes having a baby.... OMG seriosuly what is up with women??? i am sorry but in my 40's im going to enjoy life and travel and enjoy my freedom and not be like hmmm im bored.. lets have a baby! YIKES. i mean if your a first time mom or something sure thats cool. but to be like ya more babies.. when you should be enjoying your own GRANDKIDS!!! just stunns me. i am not at all agaisnt it.. even if I was its just my own personal look at things but thats just not going to be Me. hell no.. the more I think about it the more I look forward to getting older and having a life and doing what I should have done I guess in my 20's and travel and having a kick ass life I suppose.
I was told yesturday that I am beautiful.. omg that made my whole year :-) i am still smiling about that, its just nice to be told that.. makes me all like aww. it was this sweet man that I was visiting with while I was doing my work at the hospital but still.. I am feeling like I am on cloud 9. my kids fucking rock!

I have to make a poster.. i don't want to.. I am going to tho just not right now. I have to ask Serena for her help. shes got more art supplies then I have, i know i have a kid I should have lots.. but shes mostly got paints and crayons and i need glue sticks, and a printer that prints and someone to make it look fabulous with her awesome creative mind :-) its not cheating if she helps.. cause i still have to present it to the class and make it sound interesting and sell it to the class and make them belive in what I am talking about.
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