(no subject)

Feb 05, 2006 01:09

we won o yeah we fucking rock b/c were mott and we are so frickin hott o yes

great job to all my fellow cheerleaders

well lately i haven't been hanging out with anybody so nothing to update there no biggy just busy with cheerleading and school. its kinda sad usually ever weekend i was always haning out with someone but latly that hasn't been happen idk i care but then again i don't b/c its good to get a break and just have time for your self. but soon i'm gonna get sick of myself lol and i'm not gonna have anybody to hang out with so maybe i should just start hanging out with ppl again its not that i don't want to but idk i guess i haven't really been invited to things or not told about them and sometimes its just me i don't listen i just zone out sry to every one i do that too b/c i do it alot but life has been easy going in some aspects and then cheerleading comes in and it just hectic its good to always have something to go to b/c you can always relie on it so thats why i like cheerleading and softball and mike lol and of course my friends when they can be there but i'm  happy i have cheerleading and everything

ohhhh and my family life is going pretty good me and my parents are getting along alot better and i think its b/c i'm home alot more and they know what i'm doing and i'm just taking it slow and not always on the go i think i'm the happiest i've been in a while i'm getting along really good with my family my bf is great and he can always cheer me up even if hes the reason i'm sad i swear i love that kid. and i love my friends but haven't been seeing them lately even if you don't think i'm here i am you don't have to replace me but then thats how i feel right now. i'm not mad at anybody or any thing  its parital my fault for not doing things but o well life goes on you meet new ppl you live you learn and you remember what you use to have......lol i'll always remember running around jumping over fences and switching are tops in lake morgan lol those are the best moments in  my life so thank you to everyone that made my summer worth living and thanks for being there when my family was going down without your support i don't think i could have made it. so to all and friends who were their for the tears and were my shoulder to cry on i thank you and my other frineds you were there to just by making my laugh everyday  and putting a smile on my face i love you all so much i just don't want to be the friend fadeing into the wood work lol i don't blame anyone for it but maybe its just a faze i'm going through lol but i'm gonna stop writeing lol i love you all and i will always through thick and thin you guys are my best frineds and life isn;t complete with out those ppl you can turn to its always good to have someone to turn to.



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