we should all slow down and take in more. each day should be "an experience of a lifetime". each day we should learn something new from someone, even if its ourselves. road tripping and a 24 hour stay in new orleans with good friends for wilco was an amazing way to start the month. 'granddad' took care of us in line. we met a really nice middle-aged couple from utah who showed us pictures from when they had seen wilco back in august at an outdoor venue at a vineyard in oregon...and a guy our age who had flown to the new orleans for 2 days of wilco. the show itself was amazing. the bar was small and intimate.. and the energy was high. monumental. thats all that needs to be said.
i ordered a book the other day and i am going to make time to read it. sometimes i wish i could walk away from things (i.e. school).. but i need the money... and am 2.5-3 semesters away from being done. i probably bombed my midterm today.. but i am happy(theres a word im not a fan of) with life.. how dynamic it as, even if my life generally does not level out making it hard to keep up sometimes... i am so thankful for all i am able to experience and the beautiful faces i interact with daily.