Old myspace rant

Jun 11, 2007 20:59

I STILL get a kick out of this shit:

Look at me!

I have a clever Myspace name that is a song lyric from an obscure and shitty band that I only listen to because it is unique!

I have lots of ultra-cool artsy pictures that show how tortured I am and hide my hideous teeth/acne/scars/nose/pick your own but DO highlight my glorious boobies/tattoos/hip bones/piercings/pick your own which just so happen to be the least depressing part of my body.

I am emo/PUNK RAWKZ!/in a shitty band/follow a shitty band and think I'm sweet because I know somone in a band/think I'm fucking awesome and intelligent/complex/pick your own because I want to be different. I am SO not like anyone else. I drink excessivly/do drugs/piss and moan/have sex with 4385754698905 people/cut myself/pick one to deal with the pain that NOBODY ELSE FEEEEEELS! Because god, I'm so alone in this world and most certainly dont have the same level of pain as normal person. I can't be expected to be an adult and run my own life; no, thats just too hard! I just need more time!

And I totally hate cops because they just kill my buzz and shit! God they are such dickheads that protect me and my family; those fucking pigs should just die! YEAH ANARCHY! Go religious freedom only if it means freedom for MY lack of/religion/pick your own!

I can't even continue with this. Its so ridiculous.

Life = pain, but guess what! EVERYONE on this earth hurts. Every day sucks but it is up to you to deal with it. Just because you are hung up on yourselves means that you need to annoy the piss out of everyone else with your bullshit sob story.

I found my old 4-E class picture and it is quite fucking depressing. Only a few of us incredibly smart kids turned out okay. There are burnouts, whores, alcoholics, highschool dropouts, psych cases, and more. Growing up with these people and seeing the difference between then and now is astonishing. Is it so hard to make something of yourself? You don't have to change the world; just fend for yourself and don't be a burden on society. Take responsibility here people! If you have no job, no education, and spend every single fucking night getting wasted/laid/smoked out/pick your own you most certainly are NOT better than I and need to realize that.

The sooner you do the less skulls that will be cracked.


Your resident future PhD/MD pediatric neurological/psycological research doctor; Current DHLRI progenital cell laboratory cell culture specialist,

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