Sep 05, 2005 17:10
Glory days don't mean shit to me
I drank a six pack of apathy.
Life's a bitch and so am I
The world owes me so fuck you.
Thats right, Fuck you montgomery county.
Fuck all of your elderly
Fuck all of your kids
Fuck all of your professionals, your farmers, your sick, your poor.
Fuck your schools, your animals, your clubs and golf courses
Fuck Governer Taft
Fuck bush
Fuck hicks
Fuck Karma
Fuck volunteering
Fuck Brookville, E-Weed, clay township, union, fairborn, centerville, dayton, lewisburg, phillipsburg, clayton, eldorado, laura, and verona. Fuck Oakwood too.
Fuck drunks and morons
Fuck fairs
Fuck trying
Fuck everything.
Again, thats right, fuck you. I know I haven't been myself lately, but thats just the way shit is gonna roll right now. I've tried to be a good friend, a good youth leader, a good volunteer, and just about all I've gotten in return is bullshit. Lauren, joe, and dan, you've all been very good to don't think I'm bitching about you. It's just the world chico.