
May 28, 2009 23:32

So today, I get to watch one of my gerbils have a heart attack and die on the veterinarian's exam table.  Guh.  That wasn't fun.  And tonight, I see one of my bushy-tailed jirds has a funny lump on the side of his head.  Ack!  Another vet visit in the near future.  I should just hand them over my entire paycheck.

Cats are doing well, though.  Angel may actually be bigger than Clarence now.  The big oafs broke their kitty tree jumping on it.  And they are banned from the bedroom, as Angel chewed a hole in the hubby's oxygen line.  *facepalm*

Speaking of oxygen, I now have my own CPAP machine.  I gave in and went to a sleep specialist.  I have insomnia (no duh really?) and sleep apnea.  I have dubbed my CPAP "The Mighty Sleep Snorkel."  It's uncomfortable, but I'm getting used to it.  And when I wake up I feel like I've really SLEPT!  I'd forgotten what that felt like.  Perhaps this will help my exercise-eating better-weight loss efforts.

On the writing front, co-writer and I are currently doing one last edit of Book 1.  Then we just need to write up a query letter and synopsis, and begin the nail-biting process of submissions.  We're about 2/3 through role-playing Book 2 as well.  And a genuine, published author wants to read our stuff.  Eeeeeeee!

cats, insomnia, writing, sleep, gerbils

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