Seriously? Now?

Aug 21, 2010 17:39

Wow haven't posted in forever.  Been working through the SARP program to ditch sweets.  I thought I might be kind of close to detoxing off it, since I'd been wanting less and less, but.  Since my stress level is through the roof and I'm dealing with depression and anxiety (apparently SARP isn't going to be sufficient all by itself to deal with that so investigating additional avenues), I really didn't think I was ready to detox.

My body had other ideas.  Yesterday it suddenly decided sugar is DISGUSTING.  My normal cookie after dinner didn't happen due to the ew reaction.  Same deal with lunch today.  Hooookay ... now, body?  Seriously?  You pick NOW to decide sugar is nasty and we need to detox off it?  I have to kind of laugh.  Warped sense of humor.

So, day 1 of detox.  Probably a bit of crabby clouds ahead.  Hopefully not too much.  Skies should clear some after that.  Perhaps I'll even learn to sleep again, though I'm not counting on it.  We'll see what the sleep doc says.

And LIveJournal really needs a "bemused" icon.

sugar addiction, sugar sensitivity

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