Mar 05, 2005 22:15
Hey guys! Well lets see here. Friday school was actaully about drugs a lot which is always fun. Then after school I went home w/ the best person in the world KIMPY! We had a lot of fun, but Erika was supposed to come home w/ her too but she wasn't feeling good so she didn't, so we called keegan to come and hang w/ us. When Keegan came the party got even better! We played hide and seek in the dark it was so funny but then those two started getting scared and stuff so we played DDR....omg I suck at that game but it was funny and I think Keegan had fun watching me and katelyn dancing. I got home around like 10:30 and then came home and talked to sara on the phone for a few and then talked online and then went to bed. Then today I went driving and driving and oh yeah more driving. My mom was so cool and let me drive a lot cuz next weekend I'm gonna take my ROAD TEST...lets pray that I pass (everyone knows I will)! I went shopping and got some stuff to pimp out the ride. Then at like 6:30ish Chelsea, Anita, Joanna and Kristyn came over where the couldn't get enough of looking at my car...Chelsea is very jealous since I got her dream love ya chels. Then we all went to the mall and had a lot of fun going into those prep stores...Chelsea we gotta get those shirts that say PLAYA on them. Then after around like 9 we went to target...everyone bought a CD! Chelsea bought the new 50 cent which is the best rap cd ever. We blasted that bitch and went driving around...GET IN MY CAR gotta love that song! I had to get home so early too which sucked cuz we were having so much fun. Well now I'm gonna go take a shower and watch some tv I'll talk to everyone ya guys!