Nov 03, 2006 13:39
So my Shakespeare paper was due on a Monday. Sunday night, life happens and I made a choice to risk a 1/3 grade deduction and turn it in late. I worked on it non stop, but Tuesday night, as I was reading it over, I realized it was shit and decided to start over. Unfortunately, I missed the second (late) deadline Wednesday.
To make a long story short, I ended up turning it in Friday when it was due Monday. Yeah, totally knew I was going to pretty much fail that paper. It didn't help that my GSI happens to be the hardest grader (as said by herself and students in other sections). But I had worked my ass off on it, and wanted to turn something in that I was proud of, rather than make a deadline.. ok second deadline.
Anyway, so I had to go down to the front of the lecture room (cause it was so late everyone else had gotten their papers back) to get it this morning. Preparing myself for failure while telling myself a whole lecture room would be watching if I started to cry, I waited for my GSI to finish talking to another student. When she got to me, she just gave me this look. Then as she handed me the paper she said "Kim, this paper... was brilliant. I was extremely impressed." A! I've never gotten a straight A on an English paper (in college at least). Ok, so she did have to give me a 1/3 deduction for it being a week late, but compared to failing, I'll take my A-.
Maybe I won't fail at being an English major after all.