My birthday was on Friday, and it started pretty amazingly. I had taken the day off work, which my relatives didn't seem to notice as I received three "Happy birthday!" text messages before 9am, but waking up early wasn't too bad - especially since I realized the antibiotics I'd gotten the day before (was still sick, went to a doctor who diagnosed me with a sinus infection and prescribed Beautiful Wonderful Drugs) were already kicking in and I could finally swallow with no pain!
After fully waking up, I got dressed and headed to PT, where I got moved down to "bare minimum maintenance" status, which means I only go like once a month because my shoulder is pretty much stable, and I can just keep doing the exercises on my own!
Then I headed over to Caboose's apartment complex, or more specifically the complex's pool. She'd also taken the day off, and she and I and our friends Liz and Scrappy spend the day lazily laying in the sun and talking and reading. Bodies of water, sunshine, and friends are three of my Favorite Things Ever, so it was a GREAT afternoon!
But eventually, I did have to head home to shower and get dressed to go to the official Ladies Party at the 9:30 Club. This annual Pride event (oh, I did mention that my birthday coincides with DC Pride, right? So basically every year the city throws a Big Gay Celebration in honor of my birth! :D) is a concert followed by a dance party. I met up with my teammate C, her roommate A*, and an acquaintance Lisa at Ben's Chili Bowl for dinner before heading over.
I didn't care for most of the acts on the ticket, but Melissa Ferrick - who was really the person I came to see - was AMAZING. Oh. My. God. Super hot, really talented, and funny as FUCK. She kept telling stories, including announcing to all the twenty-eight to thirty-year-olds in the room that she was in love with ALL of them, and then played her next song about all of their "Saturn Returns" (
locatei I thought of you!). And when she played Drive (which is amazing anyway), she turned it into this sort of instructional/narrative piece about how sex is kind of awkward - like she'd be singing/saying "Oh, right there - right there - right there - no, not there, you moved" and switch to a bad chord on "no". It's difficult to describe, but I think Melissa did it best, calling herself "Sexy? Funny? Kinda sexy, kinda funny? Sexy funny sexy funny sexy funny weird? Just weird? ....But pretty sexy?"
*C and A are both military, thus the initials when talking about Gay Things.