Things we totally need to talk about

May 06, 2009 13:32

Guys, a FIFTH STATE just legalized gay marriage!!!! I don't know what has been in the drinking water the past few months but damn, pour those legislators another glass?

This totally makes up for Marion Barry's lovely comment about why he was the only DC Councilmember to vote against DC recognizing gay marriage from other states: "All hell is going to break lose. We may have a civil war. The black community is just adament against this."

Yes, Marion, because it's not like SOME GAY PEOPLE ARE BLACK or anything. Nope, they're a big monolithic group of angry, conservative people who hate the gays. All of them. Oh, and they're violent, so watch out for those civil wars they start.


But to finish this up with on a positive note - the big friendly black man who sits at the reception desk of the building across the way - the one with the cafe in the basement that serves cheesecake, oh lordy, I suspect I'm going to be buying myself some afternoon cheesecake in the near future - anyways, this guy (who was BLACK, Marion Barry) stopped me to tell me that he loved my haircut (my short, TOTALLY LESBIAN haircut, Marion Barry) and that it was beautiful and that it suited me perfectly and that I shouldn't worry that it gets too fluffy and ridiculous when it's humid and rainy like it has been because it looked GREAT.

Thank you, friendly receptionist man. And thank you Maine. But Marion Barry? You can kiss my ass.

it's a beautiful day, it's all about me, links, news, queer stuff

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