One of the blogs I read,
Dorothy Surrenders, has a semi-regular feature called Tank Top Tuesday. I'm a pretty big fan of this because it's, y'know, hot women in tank tops!
today's TTT made me smile not just because of the eye candy, but because of Dorothy's rambling intro:
Some people say it with flowers, I say it with tank tops. As an added thank you for your generous contributions and enthusiastic support of our 8 Against 8 campaign, I give you the return of Tank Top Tuesday. Really, FTD should consider creating a bouquet of a dozen tank tops in lieu of roses. Not only do they last longer, but they are also considerably more comfortable to wear. Just think of the untapped market for lesbian-themed “floral” arrangements. A bouquet of Birkenstocks. A garland of crisp cargo shorts. A vase filled with an autumnal-assortment of Chapsticks.
Oh man... if someone gave me a bouquet of tank tops or a vase of chapsticks, I would be ecstatic.