Busy and woozy

Jan 26, 2007 15:39

So the job is going well - everyone's still really nice, the work is boring, but it varies so that's okay (Tuesday I put stuff in folders, and the last three days I've been alternating between data entry (SUPER BORING) and... okay, also data entry, but it's information about the association being mentioned in newspapers, and is more interesting. Also I put metro cards in envelopes for real employees who don't have to pay metro fare. I'm a little jealous). Plus, I generally get an hour or two of random downtime whenever I've finished whatever I'm doing and no one's showed up with more work.

Even better is everyone seems to like me. The people I've done 'projects' for seem to be surprised at how fast I finish them, and how willing I am to do more (though I've only been like, "Sure! I'm doing this right now, but I'll do that when I'm finished.") And at least one person I'm doing a project for (the one that involves online newspapers) was all "...so, are you looking for a full-time job?" and the girl who was receptionist before me seemed really surprised that they gave me my own log-on to the computer, because apparently they never do that for temps.

Plus I found out I do indeed get paid for breaktime. The guy who signed my timesheet seemed really surprised at the hours I put down, then when he realized I'd taken out my lunch breaks and break time, fixed so I got an hour more per day.

On the downside of things, I realized that the reason I got such low taxes taken out of my first paycheck (less than $6 out of $77) is because I'm going to have to pay more taxes at the end of the year. Poo.

Oh, and I'm sick. Not even the good sick where you can excuse yourself from doing things - just the low-level sick. I've been sleepy and tired since Wednesday, when I chalked it up to lack of sleep, but yesterday I went through a kabajillion kleenexes - except it was actually only ten kleenexes, because that's what I'd brought, not expecting my nose to run like a leaky faucet, so from about 10:00am onwards I was using toilet paper. YUCK. And since then I've had a low-grade headache that just makes me feel more tired. I took sinus meds this morning and DayQuill this afternoon, and they both have about the same effect - my nose isn't quite so stuffed up, and the head is still heavy and achy, but not actually painful. But it's enough to keep me from doing pretty much anything - no rugby boot camp, no peace march on the mall with the UUs and a million other people, no going outside in the FUCKING COLD unless I really really have to. Yes, I think it's a good weekend to spend on the couch watching movies.

temping, sick

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