(no subject)

Sep 14, 2006 17:31

Ive forgotton how long it is since Ive posted on here but I know its a long time!

Day off work today (have to work 3 hours Sunday morning). Dragged myself out of bed at 11.30 (didnt go to bed until gone 2 last night).
Posted about 50 parcels from Ebay (nearly gave my local post office lady a heart attack, and Im sure I will receive death threats from all the people in the queue behind me!!).

Blitzed the downstairs, hoovered properly (ie under the sofa's, table, on and in the sofa instead of scooting around the furniture). Dusted my huge shelf units that contain approx 500 different types of cat ornaments and trinkets (hate doing this it takes soooo long).

Cleaned the Kitchen (yet to do the floor with those new floor wipey things).

Got my washing done and tis on line drying (hopefully it wont rain before I go fetch it in).

Did a car boot sale at Hatfield on Sunday, lovely day got burnt to a crisp, sold loads of stuff, and it was big stuff too so much less to bring back. Made nearly £200 just on our rubbish :-)

Got a new addition, new cat to join the other 3. About 2 months ago this scrappy thin looking white with tabby markings cat kept coming in the garden. He would run if he saw us.
Caught him coming in the kitchen to eat my cats food. So I brought some cheap food and started feeding him outside, it became a regular thing. He would be outside the door in the morning and again when I came home from work waiting on his food.

I had a scare with Edward as he has that feline urinary tract (blocked tubes so cant pee!) had to take him to vets (£300 later and no insurance!) He stayed overnight and all is now well with him though he is on special food.
Anyway that day I brought him back from the vets, I put him upstairs and gave him one of the valium (yes!) the vets gave me to give him so he could chill out. I went into my room to see the stray on the bed just sitting there.

Anyway since then he has now decided to live with us. He does have a bit of scraps with the other more with Edward than the 2 girls, but nothing violent more play scraps.

We decided to call him Hurley (from lost) but found its a good name as he runs at you and hurls himself on the floor its hilarious. He is a complete male so will be visiting the vets very soon to get rid of those dangly bits lol

Hopefully it will also calm him down a bit.

We think he was abused in some way, as the right hand side of his mouth he has lost his big teeth, it looks like he was probably hit or kicked hard. Explains why he is so wary of us sometimes when we make sudden movements.

The funniest thing was though we caught him sitting on the edge of the toilet having a wee!?! We were both shell shocked and couldnt believe it. Time we got the camera he had got off. He has done it many times since but not when we can see him. I come home from work and can see that he has been in there (think I need to set up a camera somehow to catch him).

My thinking was if we can get him on film, send it to that tv programme get £250 or whatever it is and that can pay for his operation and jabs etc :-)

Anyway I didnt want any more cats but looks like he has chosen to live with us and I cant get rid of him as he is such a sweetie and needs lots of love to make up for his hard life so far.

Just found out my sister and brother in law are splitting up, she turned 40 this year, I think she is having a mid life crisis. She has been to see Robbie Williams several times, talks about him non stop (schoolgirl with a crush syndrome!) After quitting smoking when she was in her twenties she started again because she was going out with her work mates (all in their 20's who smoke).

Her first husband left her when Chloe was born 16 years ago, she then met Dean and they got married and had Kate 6 years ago. I always thought they were solid, they have beautiful house, nice cars, nice holidays, basically they live a "perfect" life she goes to work because she wants to not because she has to.
Last time I saw her she said that she nearly had a an affair, and Dean was on anti depressants and she was bored.
Im guessing she thinks the grass is greener and its probably not!

If 2 people arent happy then fair enough, but when kids are involved I think you should at least try, try counselling, anything to make it work, exhaust all the avenues before giving up. She hasnt told our parents yet (they are on holiday at the moment). They will be devastated and i will be getting ear ache from my mother lol

When I left my husband there were no kids involved it was a clean break (yet my parents didnt talk to me for a few weeks and told me i was stupid and should go back to him!!!)

Im sure things will work out for the best whatever happens.....

On a lighter note I am now going hunting for some cat sick, I heard one of them hoicking this morning while half asleep, and its not anywhere obvious, so off to check under all beds etc as its got to be somewhere hmmmm!
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