Pet and Weazie phone fun...

Aug 12, 2007 17:56

killerweasel left today to go on her vacation with her family for a week to Florida. So of course this means that I'm going to get lots of texts and phone calls varying in degrees as to what she might say. Which I'm totally loving because good god being without Weazie for a week is like someone hacking off an arm. The funny that happened just now on the phone was this:

Weazie: We are in West Virginia now and god there are mountains everywhere. Mountains, mountains and more mountains. Nothing else just mountains, mountains, mountains. Does it never end?
Me: Nope that is all West Virginia is Weazie one big mountain. Mountains galore as far as the eye can see so you might as well get used to it now woman.
Weazie: Good lord Mountains!!

LMAO! You may wonder why I find this funny and well that's because I grew up there for a while. Yep Pet grew up in the mountains of West Virginia. I am indeed backwater hill folk and there is your Pet factoid of the day w00t! *\o/*

Edit: (11:20 P.M.) Weaz: Mountains are really TALL!
Me: Well, yeah, they are freaking MOUNTAINS Weazie! *gigglefit*

weazie oakie

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