Apr 12, 2005 20:52
well im bored so i looked up key things in those dreams on a dream dictionary website, here they are.
Bench - Dreaming of or sit on a bench means your tendency to procrastinate and put things aside. It also suggests that you often take on a passive role instead taking initiative.
Basketball - Dreaming that you are playing basketball indicates that you will need the cooperation and assistance of others in order to achieve your goals. Perhaps you are standing in the way of your own progress and need to ask for help. Dreaming of a basketball suggests that you need to make the first move. You also need to concentrate and be more focused in your goals.
Football - Dreaming that you are watching or playing football means that you will have great satisfaction in your work and your goals will be achieved as you progress through your life. Dreaming that you are on a football field, represents competition and showing off. There is a lack of cooperation in some area of your life.
Bleachers - Dreaming of or sit on bleachers indicates that you are are reflecting on your progress in achieving your goals. The appearance of bleachers can also serve to bring you back in time to the high school gym or track field and the feelings you experienced at the time.
Dance - Dreaming that you are dancing means freedom from constraints and harmony/balance with yourself. You are working in cooperation with yourself. It also represents frivolity, happiness, gracefulness, sensuality and sexual desires. Alternatively, it may signify intimacy and a union of the masculine and feminine aspects of yourself. Dreaming that you are attending or going to a dance indicates a celebration and your attempts to achieve happiness. Consider the phrase the "dance of life" which suggests creation, ecstasy, and going with what life has to offer you.
Homecoming -
Cafeteria -Dreaming of being in a cafeteria means that there may be a lot of issues "eating" you up inside
Hallway - Seeing a hallway in your dream, symbolizes the beginning of a path that you are taking in life or a journey into the unknown and self exploration. It represents spiritual, emotional, physical, or mental passages in your life. It is indicative of a transitional phase in your life.
Playground - To dream that you are on a playground, indicates your desires to escape from your daily responsibilities. Consider also objects in the playground as expressing or your need to express some aspect of yourself. Perhaps you need to be more carefree or have some fun getting to know some of your talents and abilities that you have long ignored or disregarded.
Soccer - Dreaming that you are playing soccer, suggests that you are suppressing your sexuality and/or aggression and expressing it in a more socially acceptable manner. From a Freudian perspective, sports, in general, serve as a disguise for attitudes about sex as a aggressive act. Hence soccer can be seen as a pun for "sock her". Alternatively, the game of soccer may refer to how you function and run your life when confronted with challenges. It is symbolic of your competency, integrity, strengths and weaknesses.
Mulch -
Mud - Dreaming that you are walking in mud, suggests that you are feeling weighed down by a situation, problem, or relationship.
Europe - Dreaming of traveling to Europe means a long journey which will give you some financial gain. Alternatively, it indicates original thought or old ways of thinking.
Train - Seeing a train in your dream, represents conformity and go along with what everyone else is doing. You have the need to do things in an orderly and sequential manner. In particular, if you see a freight train, then it refers to the burdens and problems that you are hauling around. Dreaming that you are on a train, is symbolic of your life's journey and suggests that you are on the right track in life and headed for the right direction. Alternatively, you have a tendency to worry needlessly over a situation that will prove to work out in the end.
Park - Dreaming that you are at a park, represents a temporary escape from reality. It indicates renewal, meditation, and spirituality. It is also an indication of a readjustment period after a serious personal conflict or an ending of a passionate affair. Dreaming that you are lost in a park indicates your struggles with your career, relationship, or other problem. You may feel alienated by society. Dreaming that you parked your car in a non-parking zone,
Dogs - Seeing a dog in your dream, indicate a skill that you have ignored or forgotten, but needs to be activated. Alternatively, dogs may symbolize intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. Your own values and intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and succeed. If the dog is vicious and/or growling, then it means some inner conflict within yourself. It may indicate betrayal and untrustworthiness. If the dog is dead or dying, then it indicates a loss of a good friend. Alternatively, it represents a deterioration of your instincts. Dreaming that a dog bites your on the leg, suggests that you have lost your ability to balance aspects of your life. You may be hesitant in approaching a new situation or have no desire to move forward with your goals. Seeing a happily barking dog in your dream, symbolizes pleasures and much social activity. If the dog is barking ferociously, then it represents your habit of making demands on people and controlling situations around you. It could also mean unfriendly companions. Dreaming that you are buying a dog indicates your tendency to buy your friends or buy compliments/favors. Alternatively, it suggest a need for you to find companionship. Dreaming that you are dressing up your dog means your attempts to cover up your own character flaws and habits.