Mar 09, 2006 22:46
Well it's been like a hole butt load since the last time I have post on the 'Live Journal' as we all call it.... Just wanted to let all those who read my random moo-ness, that, I, Da Moo, is still eating thy green grass!! Now what to tell write here in this update..... well random things sound good...... *grins insanely* LET IT BEING!!!!
one..... STAR WARS!!!! Now why 'STAR WARS' you ask? Well, I "borrowed" my "brother's" (I'm taking that game!! MINE MINE!!!) STAR WARS Kinghts of the Old Republic 2, and hopelessly got myself thinking of the best way to make my lightsaber more 'cooler'..... yes, I'm hopeless and creepy!!! YAY for CREEPY!!! But I think its REALLY bad when you start thinking that the best way to get people to NOT join the dark side is to take the cookies frist!! (you know? Join the Dark side! We have cookies!) *nervous laugh* Moo? Oh, and one more thing.... if you join the dark side I'm Darth Moo...... FEAR ME!!!
two..... my happy mooing friends...... now here a supject that I need to think about...... all them random, funny, and think, no wait, ARE CRAZY!!! I really wish I had more time to talk and hangout..... But please send my E-mails or call or just kidnap me!!! All are cool with me!
three...... oh the joys of college.... its funny, in highschool, I hated almost everybody, maybe cuz they were all the same. You know what I mean? But in college NO ONE talks to me, funny really, but its all good.... the few friends I have I hope to keep forever!! My college 'life' is doing well enough... tho I still don't know what I'm going to do in life *shurgs* Is it all down hill from here? Heck if I know! I just live in the NOW, man!!
four..... geting sick, don't you love it? he he? I've gotten sick tiwice in the past two weeks.... no fun, and not sure with what, but nothing life killing!! I think *nervous laugh*
Well thats all I can really think to write right now so I leave you to your happy lives..... well I hope they're happy!!
~Da Moo (or to all thos STAR WARS fans) Darth Moo *grins*