(no subject)

Mar 19, 2006 10:04

Greetings all! Friday was Roxanne's party to celebrate her birth, pictures of which you may view here.

We went to the bannana leaf, which was much fun. There was an elvis impersonator there who appeared to have an obsession with Gareth, he picked on him the most and said to him 'you look like a big, strong boy' XD then he said 'nice phone' to Tom, we all thought he said 'form' and Mel was all 'keep your eyes off Tom's form' XD The price was a bit ludicrous, we ended up being £20 short for some reason. Mel could only pay £20, but to be fair she only had water, why should she pay more? And Vicky only left £20 when she left. I ran across the road to get more money out as it appeared to me that no one had anymore money and ended up paying £40! I mentioned it to Roxanne and she said that that was unfair and paid me back, I was grateful but all I could think was 'If you had the money, why did you send me across the road?'

Anyways, on the way to meet Mel's dad we passed a phone booth containing a man, a straw and a certain Class A drug. Mel was really freaked out and wondered if we should have told the police, but we could see the police station from where we were waiting, it didn't seem like the police were concerned to me.

Going back a day, Thurday was the open day at leicester. We got to the city at 8.40 and ended up wondering the city, lost, for over an hour and got to the university bang on time. One way to see the city I suppose XD One of the admissions tutors was a bit rude though, I had to leave early but I though it would be rude to just leave, so I told her and she gave me a look like 'why are you telling me?' I kinda hope they don't remember me in September ^^;

I'd really like to go to Leicester, it has nice halls of residence (as opposed to Southampton), an affordable city, a good research background and *coffcoff* a Japanese Amimation society. Note to Laura: Please go T_T I can even get home easily at weekends, especially if I get a student travel card, it's only an hour's journey! Oh, and speaking of student cards, guess what arrived in the post yesterday? My conexxions card! And it only took 4 attempts! ¬¬ next year I have to apply for an NUS card though, the university apparently only accepts NUS >.
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