Apr 13, 2005 00:30
So I just completely rearranged my room... at 12am... by myself. I think it looks smaller now. Which sucks. Maybe I'll live like this for a week and change it all back next weekend.
Also, I get this feeling that guys have a 6th sense for girls who just got out of relationships. Anyone care to explain this phenomenon?
I'm starting to get a feel for Philosophy majors. I've already figured out who's who in the Econ major and now I'm starting to do the same for the Philosophy majors. So here we go. If you're sensitive to racial, sexist or other generalizations, please stop reading now.
The Economics major consists of three major groups.
-white all-American yuppies: rich kids who want to stay rich and either become bankers, brokers or lead daddy's business in the future.
-ambitious minorities: the (maybe) 10-15 (out of a 300 person lecture hall) black kids who got here on scholarships, the first-in-the-family-to-attend-college kids, Americanized Latinos, all of them out to show the world what they can do.
-children of ambitious immigrants (this is the category I'm in): first generation Americans such as Mexicans, Indians, Asians, Russians (!) and others from oppressed ex-communist countries, all out to capitalize pretty much everything and never have to stand in line for bread again. The problem with these kids is that they actually want to do something else...philosophy (!), literature, art, theatre... except that they've been brainwashed by their parents to actually want to succeed in life and like, get a job. But who wants that, right? In the words of Will Smith, parent just don't understand.
The Philosophy major seems to consist of mostly white kids, but those divide into social groups as well.
-quiet emo nerds whom no one talked to in high school (you know who you are)
-quiet and arrogant nerds who think they're better than everyone else
-loud pompous ex-debate teamers... I hate these guys the most! They snicker at other people's "stupid" questions, and think that name throwing = intelligence. These guys only thought they were popular in high school because they made everyone listen to them holler... in reality pretty much everyone hates them and they all hate each other out of insecurity.
-pretty, skinny, quiet girls who find a deeper side to themselves one day... wait, I'm talking about myself aren't I? Well, there's a few of us, ok??? (Molly, you would've been here if you became a Phil major). We also fit into the quiet and arrogant type, except not quite as nerdy.
-wannabe punk, slightly overweight girls who feel misunderstood and who think that being a philosophy major will make their life better... it won't. These girls are often a bit loud.
-big muscly meathead type guys who are actually deep and sensitive... except that they're not... they're still meatheads... I marvel at how they ever found their way to the Philosophy major. You guys belong in Econ... or maybe Soc... in the white yuppie category.
I should come up with some pie charts to see the precise division of these types. Somehow I feel like I'm a bad person for thinking this way. But everyone does.