Fuck the niggers, jews, spics, ...whatever just be cruel...

Apr 23, 2003 18:34

I had to go to school today...Even though I didn't have school today. Thus, fuck the minorities because that pisses me off.

I woke up in quite a daze this morning. Hatred surrounded me. I had spent the night in good company but quite a daze. Nick and I went to chris (brother) Nelson's house and I sat next to his fiancé Amy and just chatted with her. While we chatted we smoked a lot of pot. Then, Chris and I took shots. Then, I went to Beth's and the stomach ache began. Then the hate began. Then the hatin' on Nate began. Then I ran...I went to bed at like 2 a.m.

I woke up at like 10 a.m., played some bass, went to school, high, and finished the slideshow. THen I came home and did some work on the senior project, high of course. Then, I got higher. Now i'm here, pretty high. I'm about to send a letter. Thus, excuse me.

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