Feb 05, 2003 23:47
It has been about...what, ten days since my last post? Oh well. That must mean I'm enjoying life a little more than to be posting everyday. That's good news.
What has happened in the last adventurous fortnight?
Well, myke... I quit smoking. I cut down on drug use. I've decided to mostly back off and just go back to being an alcohlic. This is probably due to my newfound adoration of one, Mary Lavassar. For some reason, lately, I've been craving some sort of normality...fucked up, huh.
However, I do expect to recieve about 270 bones that shall be invested in a liquor cabinet...or rather the liquor for the cabinet.
Hold on, let me get a beer...
Aaaaw!...refreshing 211 steel reserve. Yeah, more like crappy reserve. At least it gets me drunk!
Weel, I don't really remember most of what happened in the last week except that both Matt sommerville and I (junkies), have backed off a little to seek out more wholesome endeavors.
Like...Alice and Mary!!!
Well in recent news, today, Mary, Paula, Venu, and I looted Value village hardcore. I stole a pair of fake cons, two shirts, and a velvet jewelry case as a stash box. Mary stole a couple saucy numbers, Paula stole a coat and shit, and Venu stole an ashtey that he left at my house.
Then we chilled at my house. I had to go to stupid 8th grade orientation and pretend to play chess (nevermind)
Next, I went to a collection (Venu improv) performance at the UW with nick.
That is it. I am off to Cassandra's. She is back from Vegas.
Hmmmmm, I should probably eat something.