May 11, 2005 15:23
Today in my peer tutoring class I was helping one of the girls at the back and she was like "How are you so skinny when you eat a poutine everyday?" and then the other girl was like "How do you know what he eats everyday?" and she was like "cuz i eat at the same table (which i didnt know) and then he goes upstairs and hangs out with a tall creepy guy (deryk) and some otehr guy with frizzy hair (bobblehead) and a bunch of girls. (she complimented a particular persons boobs but i will just call them X)" ..... Now I am afraid to go back to that class. I have a grade 9 stalker! The worst part is that it is one of the girls from the back that always stares at me and writes notes about me. Since everyone here is a girl with the exception of myself I must ask. How do I get rid of the scary girl in my little kid class!? I dont wanna like flip out cuz i gotta go bak to that class everyday till the end of the year.
Anywho in other news, I gotta phone some number and try to get a government job today. We had a guest speaker in the library during programming and I thanked her on behalf of the class and gave her some candles. She gave me a card that has a number on it where they hire students. Its great 1-8000-0-Canada.
Well that is it today you may rest your eyes now ;)