Nov 01, 2010 13:15
I arrived at the airport on time despite accidentally taking the wrong subway for a few stops(twice!). I kinda expected that I'd get confused in a new metropolis, so I allowed plenty of time for mistakes, no problem.
I picked a Delta flight this time because my coworkers have been raving about using wifi on the plane and how it makes flights basically like surfing the net at home. Indeed, GOGO internet was fast enough to stream pandora and was a pleasant experience(thank you GOGO for giving my phone a free trial). The flight also had satellite TV, so I watched 30min of a program about Tea party, followed by turning off the tv to avoid 4 hours worth of "best political team" + dumbest possible coverage of cholera haiti outbreak. It's always surprising to me how much 24hour news channels suck. It was also cool to see the dmesg boot log of inflight entertainment systems(they were rebooted 4 times). So overall, the technology part of the plane rocked.
Geriatric Nightmare
The plane was an hour late at getting out of JFK...which apparently is a common problem. This meant that I missed last MAX train home by the time I landed(why is it that the airline can be late without any penalties, but the customers cant?).
As usual, I got an isle seat to get a bit of shoulder/leg room. I didn't realize this at the time of booking, but turns out Sunday night NYC->PDX flights are a geriatric-special(Additionally, normal young people elect to party on Halloween). Throughout the duration of the flight, the smell of old people got progressively more overpowering.
As soon as the plane took off, drinks/snacks were served... followed by an continuous mass-exodus to/from the bathroom, which lasted the whole flight. Apparently everybody on the plane had pea-sized bladders.
Turns out people only get wider as they age and their coordination goes to shit... So every motherfucking old person had to whack me on the shoulder with their giant ass enroute to/from bathroom. How much worse can it get, right?
I contorted myself into my chair and tried to relax..but no the horror continued. Every time I'd try to relax, my seat felt it was being repeatedly kicked by a baby(I've had this happen before, and babies are excused due being incompetent-by-definition). Turned out i was experiencing the downside to seatback-mounted touchscreens: demented old people. The near-corpse behind me must've thought using a touchscreen is similar to gouging eyes out of pets, no idea why she had to muster that much force.
Given that I only got ~6hours of shitty sleep the night before and remarkably stupid reclining mechanism (Delta's reasoning:if you are reclining you obviously don't need that "excessive" legroom) this was the most claustrophobic+horrific flight yet.