I went to Canada and all I got was is this awesome Mao statue

Nov 01, 2009 11:07

The Economist this week has an awesome quote oh how Chinese leadership describes their brand of communism as socialism with a Chinese flavour whereas it is starting to look more like capitalsm with an American flavour. Sometime ago I also saw a documentary on Chinese markets and how you how Mao statues, watches, t-shirts, etc sell extrimely well. It is likely that Mao would be highly unfortable(in his Mao-seleum) that the result of his communist revolution is that the capitalist whoring out of his image for profit.

So when I stumbled upon Mao's bust in a store-front window on Main St, Vancouver(which improved amazingly over past decade) I had to go in and poke around to see if they had any awesome Mao stuff...and they did. So I'm starting out my collection of personality-cult leaders with high-fivin statue of Mao.

When I bought the statue two ironic things happened. Turned out the store was run by a Taiwanese couple(exploiting Mao gets them bonuspoints) AND the lady was surprised that I couldn't tell she was speaking in Taiwanese tones(cos if I were still a Van resident i'd so be able to tell mainland tones apart from Taiwanese ones..heh!)

PS. Kelly, thanks for taking this picture.
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