Apr 05, 2007 11:49
Okay, well that was the WORST hour of my life. I sat and stared at so many questions and thought how the HELL am I supposed to know this??? Although I will say the couple I can remember that I looked up since I got home I got two right, one wrong, that's not too bad, I guess.
It shut off after 85 questions, which is the minimum, so I either did really well or really badly.... I know, I know EVERYONE who takes this supposedly feels like they failed, that doesn't make me feel any better.... I had to pull over twice on the way home to throw up just because I was so upset.
It's honestly a blur at this point. It was horrible. I mean, beyond absolutely horrible. There were questions on their that were so obscure.... I didn't get a SINGLE math question, I got a ton of drug questions on specific side effects and food interactions that I simply don't remember, it was horrible. Have I said yet that it was HORRIBLE???
I most probably will be my school of nursing's first student to fail this damned thing. It was absolutely awful.