Today I am supposed to pray for Marc's purpose.
Again, from Stormie's book:
"You can always tell when a man is not living in the purpose for which God created him. You sense his unrest. You get a feeling something is not quite right, even if you can't put your finger on what it is. When you're around a man who is fulfilling his calling and doing what he was created to do, you're aware of his inner direction, confidence, and deep security."
I know what she's talking about.... it's like living with a caged lion sometimes. Marc was always so sure of what his purpose was. His purpose was to be out there, be available, and talk to anyone he could about God during his travels across the country and back. He spent many a lonely night on the CB having prayer groups with other drivers and encouraging travelers in rest stops. He handed out Bibles like candy.
That's even how he met his best friend, Steve.... Steve saw this big, burly trucker and thought "There's a man who should know God." Marc saw this gentle, kind, somewhat harried business owner and thought "There's a man who should know God." Someone invited someone to dinner (they don't even remember which one now) and they tried to save each other. VERY funny and such a good friendship. After I graduate we're moving out to Illinois to live near Steve and his wife Laurie (one of my best friends) and their family and
Needless to say, being stuck at home with six kids (though he loves them dearly) is not letting him feel like he's fulfilling his purpose. It's more like he's fulfilling my purpose. We both know it's temporary, that once I graduate and I'm working 3 days a week life will get more balanced. But I know it wears on him. This is a good prayer for him.