May 10, 2004 20:40
Why is it I find great surveys right after I update? Oh well... here I go again...
[my name is]: Erin
[in the morning i am]: Reluctant to wake up
[love is]: Corinthians 13...
[i dream about]: let's not even go there..
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: eyes.. smile... niceness
-W H O-
[do you have a crush on?]: Um... yeah.. I'm not quite sure but the person is definately not about to become someone serious in my life
[easiest to talk to]: Sarah, Melanie, Beth, Jodi
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: Yeah, my best friend is a girl.. so uh no
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: Mother
[hugged]: Kelly
[you instant messaged]: Kelly
[you laughed with]: Kelly
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[could you live without the computer?]: fairly easily
[what's your favorite food?]: seafood and soft-serve chocolate ice cream
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: hands down strawberrys
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional- Physical is easier to overcome... Let's not go there with emotional
[trust others way too easily?]: Um, actually I have a MAJOR times 3000 problem trusting people
-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken? ]: once, twice
[of hearts i have broken?] : I hope not any!
[of tight friends?] : A lot actually, 8
[of cd's that i own?] : Many...
[of scars on my body?]: Let's see, if I had 84 handds I probably couldn't count them all on my hands...
[of things in my past that i regret?] : Many, many, many! Things I would change if I could- 1.
[i know]: lots of songs by heart
[i want]: to hang out with Jodi more
[i have]: a passion for the ninos
[i wish]: To be a good witness
[i hate]: the most? Myself
[i miss]: hanging out with Sarah and Molly
[i fear]: not being liked
[i hear]: not very well, unless they're insults...
[i search]: my heart often
[i love]: my husband, Jesus
[i care]: too much about other people's opinion
[i always]: over-anaylize
[i dance]: all the time!
[i cry]: lately, every few days
[i do not always]: do my homework
[i write]: poetry and songs (sometimes) and stories (do I finish them, no)
[i confuse]: everyone, especially myself
[i can usually be found]: in the basement or on my swing
[i need]: to be loved
[favorite place to be kissed?]:on the nose- I think it's sweet
[have you ever been caught "doing something"]: well, kinda... but not "that" something!
[wuss]: yes
[druggie]: lol- no... overuser of legal pills yes!
[gang member]: of the Tigers baseball team! oh yeah!
[daydreamer]: every minute of the day!
[alcoholic]: nope.
[freak]: kinda
[brat]: sometimes
[sarcastic]: YES!
[goody-goody]: i wish
[angel]: someday
[devil]: in some people's eyes, prolly
[friend]: hopefully
[shy]: usually not, in weird situations, yes!
[talkative]: Way too much!
[adventurous]: insanely!
[intelligent]: kinda
[impacted you the most spiritually]: Jodi
[wish you saw more often]: Jodi, Audrey, Kristle
[wish you could meet]: Gabby, Emily
[most sarcastic]: Alli
[wish you knew better]: Ashley and Kristi
[knows you best]: Alli
[best outlook on life]: Sleepy (realistic- heck no!)
[most paranoid]: me! also- Lisa
[sweetest]: Sarah and Beth
[your best feature]: My ability to be there whenever wherever no matter waht it takes
[your biggest flaw]: My fattness and sometimes my honestness
[most annoying thing you do]: Repeat myself too many times
[biggest mistake you've made this far]: Doing stupid stuff
[describe your personality in one word]: Outgoing
[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: My soft hands (I know, it's weird)
[person you regret sleeping with]: Kierstin- she pushed me off the bed. Wait, did you mean "sleep"? I'm a virgin Der!
[height]: 5'3"
[a smell that makes you smile]: The ocean
[a city you'd like to visit]: Paris
[a drink you order most often]: Water or Sprite
[a delicious dessert]: Soft serve chocolate ice cream
[a book you highly recommend]: Dateable
[the music you prefer while alone]: rap to dance to, or Jewel when I'm sad
[your favorite band]: Switchfoot or Bleach
[a film you could watch over and over]: Heavyweights, Zoolander, anything Johnny Dep
[a TV show you watch regularly]: Seinfeld, Friends
[you live in a(n): house
[your cologne or perfume]: daily- Too Sexy
[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: My yearbook and those clothes...
[something important on your night table]: My prayer journal and my bible
[i dont know]: anything in Ms. Lee's class
[why is the sky blue]: I should know that from Earth Sciences. Honestly, I don't care, God made it and it's beautiful in the Sierra Madrid Mountains