Apr 20, 2004 20:43
Judgmental people really anger me... On the one hand, Kara2 (as i don;t know this s name and she seems to be a clone of this anyways, she is now dubbed this) is slightly (talk about overstatement) more polite, although still far from polite, in comparison to Kara1 (who will henceforth be called the person with a , opinionated personality, or POOP). However, they are both strange, rude s with far too much time on there hands. At makes me laugh how POOP admitted to being a loser- if she knows she is one, why isn't she doing anything about it? And K2 should get a brain transplant as well.
So, I have decided that society should put these two out of our misery, and make an exception for these two "unique" s in the case of Social Darwinism