The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
What would the minions of
kimberly_locke's army look like?Pop idols, most definitely.What do you most envy about
vieira?Haha absolutely nothingWhat was
lizrox wearing, the last time you noticed?That was like 2 years ago, probably jeans and a t-shirt or somethingShouldn't
rissy86 be getting more sleep?Eh, perhaps, she does go on tiring adventures.What would
badllama123 do with half a million dollars (U.S.)?That could be scary.Where would you take
dontyouknowme on a vacation?Hmm... I think some sort of a tropical island, or a cruise or something.Could you take
xjayp23x in a fight?Hell yeah ;)What is
kaosguitar's favorite movie?Star Wars.. I could've got a harder one than that lolWhom does
lifeguard101 get along best with?me! :) <3Is
goodwitchglinda hiding under your bed right now?*looks* nopeDoes
knighthawkq look better with long hair?No not at all, actually he needs a haircut right now.
claymate06: pansy, or wuss?Isn't that the same thing? The word pansy is much better though, so pansy.What is
imacassanova's favorite song?Who knows, who caresWhy is
rozanne1015 sneaking up behind you right now?*looks again* I think she is like a thousand miles away, but it would be cool if she was sneaking up behind me, and if she was it would def be because she loves me and misses me.Have you ever suspected
thegrlwholived of being a lifelike robot?Well no, but come to think of it...
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
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