Nov 14, 2004 14:30
WOW, that's all i can say... i'm sure no one will read this, and ya there really isn't much to read anyway..haha people have dropped off of here cuz lj has kinda lost it's zing. i haven't updated since like july or whenever it was, haha... awesome. i am currently sitting here being hungry and bored. and my feet are freezing, but i don't want to put anything on cuz i'm gonna paint my nails...hahaha too bad i can't decide on a freakin color. i wish i had interesting things to say on here so whoever read this won't cry, haha but oh well, this is a place for me to share my thoughts like i would in a normal journal so if no one reads it, then too bad..haha this is like what i talk about every time i come on here cuz i have nothing else to say.. hmm let's see, i have a crush that's different since the last entry...0o0oo wouldn't you all loooove to know...hah too bad i'm not telling you..and most of the people that actually would read this already know, so that's just a dead subject..too bad i reallllly like him, and this time it feels totally different, i don't know why, but it does...not different in the sense that he would actually like me...GASP, ya right, haha but i don't know...i can't really explain it..and ya, it's hard, cuz like i've tried to just give it up cuz there's no point in "beating a dead horse"...haha if you know what i mean....i don't want to continue to like him soo much when he's not going to like me back..ok well i don't really know all that for sure, but it's kind of a given on my side...bahhhhh it's killing me!!! cuz then by trying to stop, it just made it worse... and then i get sad then kind of back off, then he might think i don't like him anymore, which totally isn't true!! haha gahhh i wish all of this was just a LITTLE bit easier...
k so anyway...yesterday i went to my lil bro's football game in south gate ...then the team after my lil bros came and it was the raiders who's coach is snoop...yessss the real snoop, haha it was cool, cuz that's the first time i've been at a game where he was cuz i hadn't been to the last couple of games...and he came through the stands like 5 feet away from me...haha it was weird...but ya...he walks sooooo slow it's insane, haha i don't think i could stand it....but it was funny how some people were trying to run up to him and they got shut down... he's pretty cool though cuz he bought his kid's team a bus n everything and it's cool lookin and he shook little kids' hands and it was yea
k, my parents are home and they're forcing me to eat, so ya...