
Jun 20, 2004 23:38

  I have decided to name this milk because I am on my third glass of milk now.  MmMm..Milk does a body good..haha. but ya, sometimes milk just tastes soo damn good, you want it more than anything else.

On with the show...Um I haven't updated in a while so I'm not exactly sure what to talk about.  So yes, it doesn't exactly feel like summer yet..more like a weekend, since on Friday I was back at school with other chorus people.

So on Friday, those of us who wanted to, went with Mr. Halop to Northridge to the CSUN campus to see Eric Whitacre and all his glory at work.  He was the music behind the opera Paradise Lost, and I must say it was amazing.  I know, when most people here the word 'opera' they're like pernn *my noises* nooo, how about not, but this was not your typical opera.  It was very interesting.  Lots of awesome lights with techno music, it was totally awesome.  For those of you who don't fancy techno music, including me, I think you'd quite enjoy how it enhanced the performance.  I would see it 5 more times, no joke.  I actually want to take my daddy to see it because he enjoys the arts, and likes to experience things with his lovely daughter, because it's some wonderful bonding time and something you can connect with.  OK so ya...I don't know what else to say cuz I can't remember what I've done each day..hmm I'm tired still so I think I shall go back...yes back to bed..I was tired so I fell asleep at about 9:30, but I knew that if i went down that early I'd be awake again, and sure enough, here I am..hahaha

Hope all your fathers had a great Father's Day!!!!!!
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