(no subject)

Dec 29, 2006 23:56

I haven't posted in here in over a year, but I do still check my friends page pretty religiously. Don't delete me, or my tears will flow like a river.

I can see by the date of my last entry that many things of great consequence have happened since then. A play by play:

Ben is no longer my roommate as he left Ball State to eventually become a merchant of lung cancer. My new roommate is Ethan, who shares my love of making fart noises with our mouths at strange hours of the night.

I am still an English lit. major, with three semesters to go. This is, of course, assuming that I don't fuck any classes up and ruin my chances at graduating on time.

I am moving from Indianapolis to an apartment in Muncie this coming August, about eight months from now. I am conflicted about this, as I can't wait to live off campus, but I also hate Muncie with everything I am.

As shitty and awful and horrible and shitty as Muncie is, Ball State has gotten more and more tolerable as I have gotten away from core classes such as "History of the Western World" and "Walking and Chewing Gum 101." I'm starting to feel like I'm actually a part of a community of writers, and not like I'm part of a bunch of people being babysat by people with doctorates. This has also made it abundantly clear to me that I should stay away from creative writing, period. It's just not something I am good at.

Sean and I finally consummated our relationship. However, Sean couldn't break his ties with an international ring of jewel thieves. In an attempt to bring Sean back into the fold, I was kidnapped and used as bait. Sean broke into their hidden ocean base and tried to save me but, in spite of his best efforts, I was killed in the ensuing firefight and returned as a zombie secret agent crime fighter robot. I have laser guns for arms, in case you hadn't noticed. I'll fuck you up.

Ethan and I embarked on a mission fraught with peril to retrieve an assortment of priceless religious artifacts from a wealthy private collector. Upon arriving at his lair, we were terrified to learn that he had used these mysterious "Boy Meets World DVD Box Sets" to fuel his evil powers and declare himself a god. We used a combination of my rapier wit and Ethan' no-nonsense attitude to bring him down. I didn't even have to use the laser arms or my built-in pizza oven, which I forgot to mention earlier.

PS: I use the built-in pizza oven a lot (it makes really good paninis) just not to bring down the Boy Meets World-fueled supergod.
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