Oct 22, 2007 23:57
Never ever ever ever lend money to people....I know that sounds bitchy, but no joke- The only people who Id ever lend more than like 20bucks to are my family (and only a select few for that matter).
Yes. Im a dumbass, I know. Ive known all a long. What sucks is the fact that I just now realized what I am worth to him. $120. 5 years later....that's it. He's willing to throw EVERYTHING away so as to not have to pay me back. And I believed him because he put it on his daughters life. How fucked up is that? To put it on your only daughters life that youd pay someone back, and then not do it. Shows how much he cares about her too then I guess. Im not even sad that he's pretty much dead to me, Im pissed off that I'm $120 poorer. Thats a good 11 hours of work for me. Thats 2 and 1/2 shifts....fuckin retarded. I know its my fault because deep down I figured he'd do this, but deep down I just wanted to do something nice for someone else.
Being nice doesn't get you shit. I'm over doing favors for people. And Im definitely over guys at the moment. Fuckin billshit....