Mar 06, 2011 01:43
It's days like yesterday that make me wish I could just curl up with Autumn and take a nap and cuddle allll day. My poor little girl has an upper respiratory infection. It just onset yesterday, but when my mom took her in to the doctor today (I was going to but I couldn't call in to work because I'd lose my job... great place I work) they told her if we had waited any longer it's very likely that she could have been in the hospital with pneumonia. So now, my baby is on 2 antibiotics and has to take breathing treatments twice a day. I cuddled her for a bit tonight, and at bed time she went down without a fight. I just wanted to keep cuddling her :/. I feel soooo bad for her.
And then on top of it, I worked from 8 this morning to 3 this afternoon. Was told I had to wait until 1 to take my lunch (I wanted it at 11). I was starving and they KNOW that I take my lunch between 11 and 11:30 EVERYDAY. Is it that hard to grab someone real fast to cover my lunch... Jewelry wasn't busy- she could have done it.
I'm getting frustrated just typing this.
On the up side, however, I did a great job cleaning the bathroom, organizing the storage closet, and Ben and I did a fantastic job on the living room. Now we just have to finish the kitchen and entry area... then we're done cleaning for a bit! Now, off to bed so I can get up and do so tomorrow!