there's other fish in the sea!

Oct 18, 2004 16:50

Hi i havent updated in forever. so, here is the skinny on what happend today . . . every morning  . . . well Mon-Fri. i have this church thingy i have to go to, "seminary" is its name. so i get out of Seminary, and im going to Rosa's car because she takes me to school. so before i get in her car i get this feeling i shouldnt get in yet. so i wait. All of a sudden, apple eatings come out of my mouth, it was SOOOOOOO gross!!! so why am i telling you? um i dont know. . .  so, i went home. its weird, i havent vomited in 10 years. now all of a sudden . . .  i give up. you tell me. i hope i am better by tomorrow because it's piture retake day. and i despreatly need my picture retaken. thats all for now. so enjoy this moment, for who knows when the next time i will update is . . . . dun dun dun!!!
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