
Oct 26, 2016 00:16

RIGHTY-O. Before I enter in my dream log of yesterday's subconcious play escapades, I think I need to do something important.

Such as informing y'all that last week Monday I drove my own damn ass to the ER, and after about 4 hours on morphine, was found to have a swollen angry appendix crimped around part of my colon.

This is the past news, and some of y'all already know about it because I was sane and sober enough to let various friends know via phone texts. I'm fine, recovering from surgery and mostly irritated with how little I can get done in a day thanks to a limit put on how much I can lift/carry for another two weeks. The offending organ has been removed and....yeah. Maybe I'm not mentally okay with the series of events.

...anyhow I'm going to make an effort while recovering to at least write something each day.

Even if it's just a few sentences about my day and not good stuff life dream entries.


Dream notes 10-25-2016

Woke up at 6:25 am after having insanely convoluted art-dream that involved me retracing my steps to regain my art supplies from a previous adventure-dream that spanned 3(? may be more) different Conventions during one summer season. Cosplaying and cosplayers were represented of seriously way too many fandoms to name in waking hours (dear brain apparently brie that is slightly off and apple cider before bed is not the wisest plan) along with my ghetto-ass attempts to cosplay with them as fancharacters (Steven Universe Gems).

At this point I'm rereading what I have just written and wondering why the actual FUCK I'm having an insanely complex dream in just 3 hours of sleep. I haven't finished writing it all down but the reason for my status as being wide-fucking-awake is made known as the upstairs neighbors thump and complain overhead.

Back to the point, because partway through this run of madness that were sitcom-level wacky attempts at control and encouragement of my creative processes in life, lucidity dawned in that fine moment of 'waaaaaait a second, I know I've danced to this tune before'. After that it was observing my 'self' as the rest of the insanity progressed including apt descriptions from the police for a BOLO on my jeep, for my arrest over something I vaguely recall involving milk crime. ... There were car crashes going through stacks of supplies that I'd salvaged from around half of the sites I'd visited on a prior trip when I started asking the question "Wait, didn't all of this happen three fucking years ago? None of that stuff would even still be in place back there anymore, people got Lives to LIVE and my shit would have just been thrown away because it was in their way'.

It was then a progression of a trainwreck as things all became comically worse, to the point where I'm standing in the exploded remains of where my art studio shack used to be, completely unharmed and having not learned the lesson at all before raring off to go help a friend to make myself feel better about the entire stinking pile of drama.

Seriously brain, WHAT THE HELL. Going to attempt to go back to sleep now at 7 am. After all of that I had to wake up, realize I needed to pee painfully bad and write all of this down before it all escaped my brain.

bitchwhinemoan, holy crap it's navelgazing!

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