My classes that are accepted as valid transfers at every other major university and even some not so major at ALL universities, are not accepted at Troy. FYI TROY: WHEN YOU TAKE THE STATE OUT OF YOUR NAME YOU DEFINITELY = MAJOR YOU FUCKERS
They don't tell me this until all the science classes at the campus itself are booked up, thus I have to
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I've had the hardest time with getting information out of Troy people myself. They don't tell you anything until you've wasted a couple thousand dollars that you can't get back... "Oh, by the way, you need to do this and this before you can do that... oh, sorry, no refund teehee." I finally got my contract settled today. Well, I still have to get it signed, but... what a load off. With it customized I now finally may get out of this hell hole that is Troy in the Fall. Its almost like they ENJOY tripping you up... bastards.
If it were up to me, I'd have graduated last year... but noooo.
Troy is equal to a lack of smart. A lack of any type of competence.
Also, a lack of me taking anything they ever say seriously and I will totally punch out any of the cashiers or the andminstrative office assistants if I see them around town.
The closest I've got to "wtf?" is "well damn" which is almost the same sentiment but not quite.
It's fixed though, I've edited the entry to reflect that it was only my superior intellect that got my money back with no help whatsoever to anyone that works for the dean, chancellor or the provost. *stabs*
Comments 4
If it were up to me, I'd have graduated last year... but noooo.
Also, a lack of me taking anything they ever say seriously and I will totally punch out any of the cashiers or the andminstrative office assistants if I see them around town.
*sigh* I need a "wtf?" icon.
It's fixed though, I've edited the entry to reflect that it was only my superior intellect that got my money back with no help whatsoever to anyone that works for the dean, chancellor or the provost. *stabs*
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