mist curls my hair. flowers have dew drops on them, like when you get out of the shower and don't dry yourself well enough, theres small drops of water on your shoulders. its cold in my basement and i hate that in the winter, it comes in handy during the summer because its a place to hide like a dungeon, but im not being held captive. when it gets hot out i want to just run off to the beach and sleep or read or write, or take pictures. i miss the hot air on my back, even if too many bad sunburns will give me skin cancer too much of anything can give you cancer anyways so its unavoidable, unless you die in a car acciendent or something then you won't be alive long enough to actually get cancer. its sad when someone dies but most of the time a week later it's forgotten about, atleast thats the way it is with people now a day. if my dad died i would mourn, but how many people do you know that have had someone close to them die talk about them, that way they'll go to heaven? i sure dont know a lot, sure they have "RIP... so and so" in their profile, but does it honestly mean anything? i dont think so.
enough rambling for today. have a good one. recycle.