Sep 03, 2010 18:51
So I receive a final bill from my old flat today for gas/electric. Normal you think...except I paid up my final bill before I left and was told the account was closed.
Now, having been told this I was not prepared to pay any more.
The conversation I had with scottish power went like this:
Me: You've sent me another final bill - i've been advised the account was closed and I was paid up - why have you done this?
Advisor: My colleague calculated this incorrectly, I do apologise I will feed this back to her manager.
Me: Well i'm not paying this final bill - it's your fault, you've advised me incorrectly.
Advisor: Well, we won't wipe the final bill - we can give you extra time to pay it.
Me: I'm not happy with this - I want to escalate it through whatever procedure you have.
Advisor: I'll get you a manager.
--Two Minutes of Hold Music--
Manager: Hi, i'm the manager, we'll wipe the bill and send confirmation through to you.
Me: Thanks.
No anger, no mean words were spoken and it was done in less than five minutes - always ask for a manager if you don't get the result you want - Advisors have very little authority and even if he agreed with me he couldn't have wiped the bill so there was no need to get angry. Someone else would be £23 down, but not camo :D