The banner's from last year because this week TOTALLY got away from me but zOMG I've already got someone from Tumblr who just signed up and some other folks are as well. YAY!!! I'm super excited.
Oh yes, a few new people who I don't recognize. Which is tons of fun, lots of awesome writing! The more the merrier. Thanks again for helping out! (I'll be pinging you later in October for assignments, etc, too)
Like for a job? The military, communications (ie, IT stuff, or for us officers, whatever the hell older officers feel like making us do that day). But I get really bored - it's a boring job. So I write.
Oh, duh, right, yeah (now who's being think, lol?). It's really confusing, actually, but basically, for the exchange, you nominate fandoms and the mods consolidate those into "available" fandoms for fics. Then you sign up to write, listing pairings, fandoms, kinks, etc. They send out asisgnments, and you submit by a certain time. Basically. It seems straightforward, but the confusion comes in with HOW they run it - it's so big, they use a computer program to help out, the process isn't really all that clear, and if you don't get on board with the nomination process, you can't write. It's a bit weird, but kind of fun (although they did crash AO3 last year).
It's insane. But it lets you play around with a lot of different fandoms (it's fun to write other characters sometimes!). But... yeah. That's why I didn't do it last year. IN-sane!
That's my issue is I never *HAVE*. I'm so OCD and I get so stressed out about characters being IC that I never leave my A-Team kiddie pool. I wrote a Harry Potter Remus/Sirius story a LOOOOOONG time ago but who hasn't? Lol. Other than that it's only ever been the A-Team. Hehehe I'm such a sad fandom monogamist.
Oh, and note to self - sign the fuck up for Yuletide this year, Sonora, sign up...
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