Title: Where I Wanna Be (Tattoo/Bakery!AU) - Part 2 (
Part 1)
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Benny, Castiel/Meg
Summary: What comes after the offerings of pie?
Warning: None
Once Benny joined Dean in the tiny kitchen above his tattoo shop, he quickly found out that the pecan pie the baker had dropped off earlier in the day, was gooey and sweet and awesome.
From that moment on Dean also began to learn more things about Benny, every time the baker climbed his back stairs and knocked on the door after both their shops were closed.
Bayou brownies Benny talked of his niece, Elizabeth, who he practically raised and who now helped him run the bakery.
While Dean told Benny, through mouthfuls of
King Cake Bread Pudding about his son, Ben, who lived with his mother but stayed with Dean during the summers.
With a tin of the most perfectly tart cherry pie between them on Dean’s rickety kitchen table they shared their military experience. Or in Dean’s case the lack of one, despite what his old man had wanted. And Benny’s 20 years in the Navy that may or may not have drawn a seamen joke from Dean.
Through the revolving assortment of baked goods Dean found out that Benny was in fact, just as pretty friggin’ awesome, or even more so than the creations he made.
“Spill, Deano. Have you hit that yet?” Meg asked; hooking her thumb over her shoulder to where Benny was manning the register.
Dean spluttered coffee all down the front of his shirt while Meg laughed.
“I’ll take that as a no.” She grinned while pulling napkins out of the holder for Dean.
“What’s a no?” Castiel questioned; sitting down a basket containing a sandwich, before taking a seat next to the petite brunette.
“That Dean hasn’t banged the hot bear behind the counter.” Meg announced as she started taking the tomatoes and onions off one half of the sandwich.
“You mean, Benny? They haven’t even kissed yet.”
“Oh you fucking traitor!” Dean growled, face turning bright red. Because, yeah ok, they actually hadn’t.
“I was just pointing out that though you’ve been spending a lot of time together you’ve spent it eating more baked goods than anything else.” Castiel said, before taking a bite out of the unaltered half of sandwich that Meg had left.
“Dude, eww. Don’t ever say...just don’t.” Dean huffed before getting up from the table he was sharing with the assholes he called friends and making his way over to Benny.
“What’s up, chief? What can I get ya’?” Benny asked with a wide smile that made Dean’s stomach flip like he was a friggin’ teenage girl.
“Nah, I’m good. I got a 2:30 that’s coming in soon. Just wanted to know if you wanted to come over for dinner after closing?”
“Sounds good. I was planning on making some
beignets this afternoon. I’ll save some to bring.”
“Awesome!” Dean smiled; moving out of the way when a customer came up to the register.
Glancing over he saw Meg and Castiel watching the precedings, which Meg gave a not discreet in the least thumbs up that Dean countered with a grin and a less than classy hand signal of his own, before leaving the store.
Dean heard Benny’s heavy footsteps up the back stairs just as he was putting the finishing touches on his awesome, homemade burgers.
“Come in!” He shouted, before the knock even came, busy making his table look like an acceptable place to eat and not a Dean and Cas dumpster dive special.
Dean heard the door open and close but when Benny didn’t say anything he turned around, perplexed at the other man’s silence.
“Benny what’s up?” Dean asked, as Benny stood holding a brown sack while looking from the stove to the burgers on the table.
“Ahh, I think I may have forgotten to mention something.”
“Dude, what? You’re kinda freaking me out.”
“I’m a vegetarian.” Benny confessed shyly, placing the bag on the counter.
“Vegetarian? Oh my god. I don’t think I can kiss a vegetarian.” Dean declared, not fully realizing his words until Benny stepped closer.
“You wanna kiss me?”
“Hell yes, I do. Have for weeks.”
It was the last words either spoke before Benny yanked Dean in for a kiss that had the earlier vegetarian declaration quickly revoked.