
Oct 27, 2007 08:20


Getting ready for work, almost time to walk downtown. Eating some homemade apple sauce my mum made and gave to me. Its soooo yummy, the best ever. And i am listneing to Bedouin Soundclash, i saw them a little while ago with Amanda, and they are coming here again! Dec 13th i think. Anita wanna go? Ser  wont be here yet will u?

Anyways.. i went to a Haunted House in Sidney last night with Amanda and Arlen. haha which of course u guys are thinkin what? cause thats so not like my thing at all haha. But it actually wasnt THAT bad.. still scared me a bit, alot at the end when the guy with a chain saw decided to chase me and then back me into a corner and then looked at me and said "AM I SCARING U LITTLE GIRL" i was hiding in the corner! fuck it got scary just at the end though... it was said to be the most scariest one but it wasnt really.. but i think thats the end of me trying haunted houses out lol.

Well i guess i should get going to work, blah...saturday morning..and work..that sucks. lol Hmm and yah nothing else planned for the day prob go to the store then jsut come home and relax , pretty tired. Went to the gym with them last night b4 the haunted house too..esquimalt rec, never been there, but i liked it, so i will return.

Till next time.. hope everyone has a good day
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