Jul 27, 2003 12:39
if any male out there could tell me why anything of a sexual nature has to fuck things up, i would greatly appreciate it... i don't think that you guys realize that all girls aren't looking for a relationship ... some just want to fuck. and i know about the double standards and all and just because she is interested only in the sex aspect of it doesn't mean she's a slut. this is something that my bestfriend and i talk about. there doesn't need to be head-games about it either. i know a number of girls that are looking for a "fuck buddy" in the most literal use of the phrase... a friend that they fuck ... they are someone that they hang out with and do the things that friends do ... and for when then feel they need to get laid they don't have to depend on a one night stand which is dangerous in more that one way ... they get the benefits without the headaches. so please, if there is any man out there brave enough to enlighten me, i would appreciate it.