Oct 07, 2006 12:29
Well, a month since I've posted (or even checked to see what my friends are up to). Not so bad, considering my track record. Oh, I've had journal-worthy moments, but I've been so caught up in trying not to repeat past mistakes that I've been keeping all other activities to a minimum. ... except for my current addcition to Terry Goodkind. I've been rereading the Sword of Truth series. Bad me. I need to be reading for my 4 English courses, not indulging in fantasy worlds where everything is black and white and always turns out fine and the good side is always beautiful and the bad side is ugly and... Ahem.
I saw something today that a friend wrote, and it could be a typo, then again, maybe not. But it made my heart hurt, even tho it shouldn't have, even tho I'm supposed to be immune now. And then, right after that, I found out another friend is having real trouble, nothing compared to my little mini-drama, and that brought me closer to tears than anything else has in ages. (Remember, I'm here, girl, if you need me)
Classes are going okay. My addiction to Terry Goodkind has caused me to slip behind slightly, but I'm not too worried, 'cause I'm back on top of things as of today. ...And I'm just about done with the series, anyway. :D
I have much to say because much has happened in my little world... yet it seems so mundane now. At least I don't have any drama, not really. Problems, yes. Drama, no. And for this, I thank the Lord.
One day, I'm gonna be kidnapped or something, and few of my friends will start wondering what happened to me for at least six months... if not more. Guess I better get back to learning martial arts. If I ever need to be rescued, the only one who's gonna rescue me is me. (And maybe my lil bro)