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grr_chan August 14 2012, 18:50:13 UTC
GRRR!! i'd written a really long and semi-epic reply, then my internet died and closed my browser :( grr.

so i'll start again :D

gomen na! i forget, mixing korean and japanese culture appears to be generally frowned apon :( but it is a really good song.

could i be cheeky and ask you to recommend some Jazz piano? i grew up listening to Jools Holland, but other than him i know nothing. similarly with folk music, by knowledge comprises of Yuzu (Umaku Ienai/ and the rest of the Wonderful World CD) and Bellowhead (Sloe Gin). it must be refreshing to enjoy all different types of music :)

i'm sorry, my explanatory skills suck!! i'm in central-east UK, (if you were to look at a map of England, theres a curvy bump above the bottom left corner of the island? i'm in that bump :D) personally, i don't raise any animals- apart from that one time i raised frogspawn... i think as a region we mostly raise pigs :) piglets are SO CUTE <3 if you could raise any animal, what would you pick? :)

i love how casually you put that :D to me, the state of New York is as much as a reality as Narnia! [i'm such a country bumpkin O____________o]. oh oh! is it true that a couple of times a year, some streets in Toronto align with the sun?!

it's not that i didn't enjoy the dvd, just Chinen's expression in that screen shot genuinely terrifies me! and Takaki has to be the king of derp, otherwise how would he balance out all that sexy? don't you love how he goes from dorky to gorgeous and back in 60 seconds?

in reference to rasict Yuti, i'm afraid i'm going to have to break social protocol again with a kpop macro...

we like to call it hoopdance :D though lately it appears to have become an excercise fad... but hey, it gets more people spinning :D

in other news, lately, has anyone told you you're lovely? because you really are :) i really enjoy logging into lj to find a message from you. makes me go all sparkly on the inside. [sorry if i sound like a slightly mental English stalker. D:]


haka_nai August 16 2012, 19:34:41 UTC
Is it frowned upon? I thought just comparing the two really ticked everyone off? oh well /shrugs. Learn something knew everyday.

To be honest, I just listen to the jazz station. I don't have one particularly artist that I am most fond of. I'm not THAT into Jazz. XP Yuzu is folk!? really?! Okay: I'm not that into folk either. Country music makes me too weepy to listen to it always. So i fail orz

PIGLETS!!! OH MY! that sounds adorable! i wanna see the piglets now!! ahhh! so a lot of the UK is farmland i'm assuming then? The most urban part of the UK would be London yes? (i have a friend up in Northern England so i'm trying to piece together your country XP) I raised a hamster for a summer! that was fun! :D I like animals but /wrinkles nose I'm not so much into taking care of them. I couldn't pick an animal to raise because a lot of the really cool ones shouldn't be domesticated. Having a bunny would be cute except it's bowel movements would a pain to clean. I deal with kids okay though! No issues with kids just animals >_< What about you!?

Wait?! streets of toronto align with the sun!? where did you read this!? O_O I have never heard of this! o_o Being a rural person isn't so bad! You get to see all the stars :D though it gets kinda of cold and things are harder to get too but there is a lot of fresh air and quiet :D

YES! derp + sexy = takaki yuya! I like that :D the perfect balance thing! It's the most incredible thing how he does that but that's why we love him and why he's so special :D


Has it really become a fad?! I am excited to see people do it here! My mom will probably get into it at one point. :D OMG! my mom was talking about her office reading 50 shades of grey. I was in a fit of giggles. apparently even a group of 40+ ladies don't like it. How did that book get published?!

Nawww!! Really?! Thank you! I apologize that this message is so late then ;___; I love logging in and finding a message from you too ^^ (pfft! that's okay ^^)


grr_chan September 4 2012, 15:07:41 UTC
you're icon makes me smile :D

in other news...

SURPRISE!! I HAVE RETURNED!! my internet has been dead for weeks, but now i'm back to bother you! i hope you didn't think i had forgotten you!!

there is a lot of farmland here, but while London is probably the most urban area, there are other big cities- my favourite is Cambridge, which isn't huge, but it's still quite large. :)

i used to have a hamster, he was called gingerface and he was awesome beyond words. but i developed an allergy and wasn't allowed to get another one when his life ran out :( which made me sad- hamsters are great when you're upset, you go to say hello and they come out of their nest, and you can rant about what a craptacular day you've had and everything that went wrong, go into all the details of who what when and where, and the whole time you're little furry friend will just be sitting there, watching you with his big beady eyes, wondering when you're going to shut up and give him a monkey nut. oh, good times...

in my ideal world, i'd like to have a pet tiger- not one that i'd keep on a leash and train to do tricks, but a giant house cat who'd enjoy cuddles, having his paws tickled and watching Japanese dramas with me. who needs a boyfriend when you can have TIGER cuddles?!

but alas, in reality, that probably wouldn't be a good idea.

i read about "Torontohenge" here. sorry, rereading my comments, i'm a total nerd. i can't help it, i have a huge memory for useless but quirky information! living in the middle of nowhere is THE BEST. fresh air is good for your lungs AND your soul. also, back when i used to chain smoke all day i used to look forward to the last cigarette before sleep- outside, under the stars.

haha, 50 shades of grey! i was totally late on that- all the women i work with were talking about it on the sly and i really had no clue what they were talking about! didn't it start as twilight fanfiction and then get published via kindle oojamawhutsits? what i find amusing is how men get so angry about it- there was an article in a magazine about one guy getting really angry and covering his girlfriend in HP sauce after her found her reading it [he wanted her to really know what "saucy" meant, i believe his excuse was], saying about how the book is filth and practically porn...

and the whole time i was reading this, all i could think was "he's getting all high and mighty about porn like he's never watched any! THE HYPOCRITE!!"


haka_nai September 5 2012, 01:08:41 UTC
My friend made it :D It's beautiful :D WELCOME BACK! I was like, "where grr-chan go!? did she abandon me?!" I'm glad to know my fears were unnecessary :D

What is it about Cambridge that you like so much?

AHAHHAHAHAHAH! that is the most incredible explanation on why hamsters make good pets! I'm sorry to hear about your allergy towards gingerface >< It's so sad! What animals aren't you allergic too?

TOUCHE TOUCHE! Though, having a giannnttt cat might be fun! like a giant dog sized cat :D That's reasonable! OH! and to answer your question, in the time that you have been gone I have decided that the animal of choice that I would love to own is a german sheppard named Brutus :D He'd be all loveable and sweet but a big, manly police dog :D

ohhh, i see. As much as filling your lungs with cancer (which sucks! literally, pun totally intended) the situation kind of feels romantic and relaxing in a way. I was reading this book, where the character had a pack of cigarettes and treated the cigarettes as a metaphor, so he'd put one in his mouth but not light it. So i can totally see sitting under the stars, in the fresh air w/ a lit or un-lit cigarette being one of the most amazing thing in the world! :D

It is filth and practically porn! Kudos to men for getting angry LOL to the man who took it too far XP /rolls eyes people and their backwards thoughts.

btw Torontohenge ... that's epic! I've never heard of that but omg! that's so cool ! Blinding and dangerous but cool! :D


grr_chan September 15 2012, 15:31:11 UTC
i will never abandon you!! occasionally it may take me a short lifetime to reply, but mwhahaha, you're stuck with me. *victory pose*

good things about Cambridge:
~there's lots of big, fancy buildings in the city center along with wide open spaces
~there's lots of foreign students, and even when they go home it stays slightly multi-cultural
~it has a sushi restaurant, a four floor bookstore, a lush (cosmetics) and a forbidden planet (comics/manga/anime/etc)
~because it's home to a zillion universities, it's a city full of young people :D
~i was born there :3

i'm glad you liked my explanation, reading it back i guess i really do ramble a lot... ah well.

i don't think i'm allergic to other animals, other than some long-furred dogs. strangely i'm not allergic to cats, which is much more common :/ i'm allergic to hamsters, kiwifruit and some kinds of plasters. WHAT ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO? :D

oh oh oh oh oh. i'm not sure how much k-pop you listen to, but have you heard GD's new EP? it makes me sparkle on the inside...


crazyfaucet September 15 2012, 16:18:03 UTC
I'd loved to be stuck with you though :D

it has a sushi restaurant, a four floor bookstore, a lush (cosmetics) and a forbidden planet (comics/manga/anime/etc) ohhhhh!!!! that is super appealing! 4 floor bookstore!!! You could hide in a crevice with a good book and no one would be able to find you :DDDD

there's lots of foreign students, and even when they go home it stays slightly multi-cultural in general, are their places where it is less multi-cultural in the UK? (it's hard to imagine because in Toronto, it is extremely multi-cultural)

NOOO! that is a tragedy that you are allergic to kiwi fruit ;___; Kiwi is delicious ;___; Allergies... umm... i have sensitive skin so I can't use scented soaps and certain cleansers. other than that, nothing XP

I DID!!! I heard Crayon yesterday while i was waiting for class to start!! It was okay. I'll have to listen to all of it then to understand this sparkley feeling. I've been listening to T-ARA and Orange Caramel's new singles :D They are also quite enjoyable & catchy :D


grr_chan September 26 2012, 19:38:43 UTC


hmm, i think the charm of my not-so-swift replies will wear out soon... in my defense, work has been SUPERBUSY lately. staff keep leaving/taking holiday, so we've been running ourselves into the ground. it's been fun :3 but by the time i get home my brain hurts and i don't want to look at the computer screen :( honto ni gomen shi Grey, you know how it's practically porn? um, would you say smut fics flow in the same vein? because in apology for crappy, irregular replies i'd been writing you a... thing. but it's kind of smutty :/ like, takaki/yuto smutty. i can always burn it instead?



haka_nai October 13 2012, 02:49:18 UTC
Now it's my turn to reply super super late. My apologies ;___;

I completely understand. Sleep > Computer. It's an acceptable excuse. :D Ugh to busy schedules. I'm sorry work has been so much more taxing that it usually is. October's a good time to take a vacation tho. Just before all the christmas/thanksgiving prices comes in XP

That sounds amazing! 50 pounds worth of sushi is a LOT! but so so worth it. At least you split it with your sister, cuts the cost too XP (LOOOL! What kinda of exercise do you most enjoy doing?)

YAY to mass produced items with no actual concentrated juice :D What's the other part in your favourite smoothie? I wanna try it too :D

My friend also said one of a kind was amazing. I should go and find it and listen to it! :D T-ARA has Sexy love and Orange Caramel has Lipstick (which is an album i found out!) Ahh, fair enough. Kpop will eat your wallet faster than Jpop.

DUDE! THAT IS OMG! YES! 50 shades of grey is totally smut but I love smut! Esp. Takaki x Yuto smut! OMG! <3 you have just made me a very happy person! Thank you in advance for you wonderful present. (Once i finish my hunger games fic, you will get your takaki x yuto smut fic too! Yuto has once last day in tokyo before he goes back to manchester to study w/ keito).

My life as also been very very very busy. the last two weeks haven't been the greatest. Tests, presentations, readings. ugh! I only have 3 courses but i'm like, i don't want to do it ;____; I think i might drop my philosophy course after next week. I might get in some trouble for having part of my mid-term written a head of time and taking it into the exam with me. And I can't face the classroom without having it all flash back to me. Plus, the content is much too challenging for me and even though the money is spent, I don't want to do poorly and pull my GPA any lower than it already is. I've kinda been an emotional wreck the last three weeks of my life. Not fun. Might have something to do with the fact that most October's in the last 5 years have just been emotional and overwhelming. (mostly personal reasons. Last yr was because of JUMP. This year my exam. 2008 & 2009 had to do with some boy. Unpleasant in general.) I wish I had better news. I really do. But :/

oh. NakaKen! I'm having Nakajima Kento feelz. XP


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