Nov 25, 2005 12:07
Well I hope everyone's thanksgiving was enjoyable mine wasn't to bad. For once it was actually a somewhat enjoyable time especially since I got to see everyone in my family and there really wasn't any fighting what so ever. Even my parents managed not to argue at all which is a good thing but they'll probably be at it again soon enough.
Today is the day that everyone refers to as black friday becuase of all the sales that are going on. But me personally i have my own reason this time around to refer today as black friday. I'm on fucking standby again it was maybe 10 minutes ago I got a phone call on my cellphone that my company are now on warning orders to go to iraq. I'm really getting tired of being placed on these orders and they keep falling through. But this time around I actually think they might be for real because we've been back for a good 2 years and it was just a matter of time before we got activated again especially for Iraq. But I'm not going to let these orders stop me from living my life in the civilian world. I'm going to enjoy things like i always do and live life to the fullest.
Well peace out everyone i'll see you all in school on monday.