Jun 11, 2013 04:00
i read a lot of fic. i started reading fic in the kpop fandom back in 2009 on LJ. when my closer friends found out that i read so much fic, they started asking for recommendations.
i ended up making the Fanfiction Recommendation List. it started with Super Junior and some SHINee. then Infinite. now it's mostly EXO. i have a handful of other fics for other groups or crossover fic too, but i don't add them to the list.
what i'm trying to say...i use LJ's memories feature to keep all of my bookmarked on LJ fic in one place. and i can't access my memories on LJ on my cellphone. so in 2011 i changed the way i 'mem' fic from private mem'ing to public mem'ing. if you see me mem your fic, it's because it's going on my FRL...
so this is for all those wonderful writers out there that see my name in their inbox when i mem so many of their fics lol. EXPLANATION GIVEN~
idek what the hell i'm saying anymore hahaha but yeah that's why i mem publicly and what i do with the links and stuff
ok i stopped being serious lol good night
i am laughing at myself