God Save the Queen from Anti-Carbon Tax Idiots

Oct 27, 2011 20:11

The Queen was in Melbourne the other day, trying to soak up some of the vibes that come from the world's most liveable city. Perhaps that's how she manages to live so long. In any case she was here and I didn't go to see her, so I can't say for sure that she didn't drain a little bit of life from all those that went to view her, but some of those children looked pretty damn tired.

The Occupy Melbourne people had decided not to protest while the Queen was in town in a remarkable display of civic understanding. They stated that protesting while the Queen was in town would undermine what they're trying to achieve, which is interesting because it implies that they actually know what that is. So they put it to the vote and in the end they democratically decided not to ruin the Queen's trip. All 250 of them. It could also be that 250 people realised that if they disrupted the Queen's stay when the thousands of people that came out to see her didn't want them to, that they may have to face an actual popular movement and have the crap beaten out of them.

In any case, it was a wise move, and managed to have people pay them a bit of respect for a change for acting so nobly.

The morons protesting against the carbon tax, however, acted in a somewhat less noble fashion.

Before I go on I would like to just reiterate the fact that these people are indeed a-grade fuck-wits. People that don't believe that global warming is taking place are on a level of idiocy so high that they should have long ago died from lack of oxygen. The human brain needs oxygen in order to operate, which is why a lack of oxygen is no problem for these lobotomised cunt-monkeys. The science is in, and has been for a damned long time. If you don't agree with that you should be put down.

So there were fifty "people" with banners asking the Queen to stop the carbon tax. These people went out of their way to make an arse of themselves when the proposed anti-social elements of society had decided that protesting while the Queen was about was in poor taste. That's like Alan Jones walking into a gay sauna while Bob Downe decides to take his mother out to dinner, which now I think about it is the exact sort of thing Alan Jones would do.

Go for your life, Occupy Melbourne. You may not have any solid arguments and you may not be all that intelligent, but at least you're not anti-carbon tax.

Thanks, Lizzy, for showing the people of Australia who the real scum are in the current Australian political scene.
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